Saturday, October 18, 2014

Ideals and Code of Ethics

The NAEYC and DEC are important organizations that help to promote early childhood  education and gives professionals insights into new research, provides support, and provides guidelines in order to be successful in this field. 

Three ideals from each are listed below. 


I-1.2—To base program practices upon current knowledge and research in the field of early childhood education, child development, and related disciplines, as well as on particular knowledge of each child.
I-1.3—To recognize and respect the unique qualities, abilities, and potential of each child.
I-3C.2—To create and maintain a climate of trust and candor that will enable staff to speak and act in the best interests of children, families, and the field of early childhood care and education.

 These NAEYC ideals are important to my profession because they support how individual each child and professional can be. They stress how valuable keeping up with current evidence based practices in many arenas can be in provided adequate services for children. 

1.     We shall demonstrate the highest standards of personal integrity, truthfulness, and honesty in all our professional activities in order to inspire the trust and confidence of the children and families and of those with whom we work.

  1. We shall honor and respect the rights, knowledge, and skills of the multidisciplinary colleagues with whom we work recognizing their unique contributions to children, families, and the field of early childhood special education.
  1. We shall engage in ongoing and systematic reflective inquiry and self-assessment for the purpose of continuous improvement of professional performance and services to young children with disabilities and their families.

These points are important to my profession because they point to the importance of integrity and self reflection. Self reflection is always important in any job. Learning one's strengths and weaknesses can help to identify areas of improvement.  Respecting colleagues is also very important while working on a team. If a a member is constantly disrespecting or  undermining the opinions of another professional, it can break down efforts to help a child success. 

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